LCM052 DJ Gag Reflex (1).png

DJ Gag Reflex

Local agent of chaos, DJ Gag Reflex, has joined the series this week. A rambunctious set, structured to imitate the experience of vertigo; interpreting it’s shape and visualizing it as a vertical spiral. Through means of slowly decreasing the tempo, and utilizing tracks that suggest a trace-like state, she builds a sensation that borders on spiraling out of control but consistently snapping back into sanity at the necessary moments. 

A trusted and revered talent, DJ Gag Reflex is another venerated individual that helps make up the remarkable TUF organization. She runs the monthly party ‘Bloom’ every first Saturday and is on track to starting a new rave collective dubbed ‘Gay Rave’. Coming up, you’ll be able to catch her on September 30th playing at The Stud in San Francisco for the Folsom Street Fair. 

Have a safe and fun weekend. Enjoy! 




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